With the Lockly Secure Plus, the only key you’ll need is your finger; one touch to the fingerprint reader on the right side of the lock body opens the lock. You can also open the door by entering a...
Lockly Secure Pro Review: Five easy ways to access a smart lock
Conclusion Overall, I’ve been really enjoying the Lockly Secure Pro. The fingerprint reader is a very handy way to get in and sharing access to our friends is incredibly simple from anywhere at any...
BRP 8: Lockly Secure Plus Smart Lock
The Brains Report Podcast talks to Lee Goehring, the Vice President of Sales at Lockly. We get into how Lockly is more secure than your average lock, what to do if your smart lock’s battery dies, a...
Connected Home Integration Another really cool way to use the lock is by voice. Indeed, it’s compatible with both Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa and it’s as easy as saying, “Okay Google, lock th...
隨着物聯網(IoT)概念流行,現時不少家居及辦公室都採用新一代智能鎖。門鎖廠商均破舊立新,除了藍牙連線開鎖,更引入生物辨識技術(如指紋、人臉識別),以加強門禁保安水平。今次介紹的新晉品牌Lockly,未有摒棄傳統密碼鎖,更把設計升級改良,為市場提供更多選擇。 Lockly引入活體指紋認證 Lockly開發的門鎖,賣點是自家研發的PIN Genie技術,密碼鍵盤上的每一個按鈕均同時代表3個不同...
This smart lock works like something from a Mission Impossible movie. It's a bit expensive compared to others, but it also includes several additional features. There are four ways to open the lock...
【智能家居】舊家電加配件玩Google Home聲控功能 智能鎖識用app分享一次性密碼
美國門鎖品牌Lockly推出的智能鎖,加裝了WiFi配件後,都可以做到Google Home或Alexa聲控開門。對於屋企要上落樓梯的外國用家應該十分貼心,但對地方淺窄的香港人用處不大。不過現在的智能鎖也有不少新功能,例如可以手機app發送一次性密碼給訪客,用完就不可以再用。這個一次性密碼在手機和智能鎖配對時,就預先設定好50個一次性密碼,用家外出不在家時也可照樣使用這個功能。
Father's Day 2019 gadget and gear gift guide
Lockly Secure Pro The Lockly Secure Pro features a unique randomized digital keypad every time the lock is approached. It's compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa allowing you to check t...
Modern Home Magazine Featured Lockly™
Thank you Modern Home magazine for featuring Lockly Secure Pro Deadbolt Edition on your June 2019 edition. With our objective of reaching out to Hong Kong people in a language they can comfortably...
Edward Slime's New Home is protected by Lockly™
We've seen a couple of times that Edward Slime shared his new home to his followers and we are very pleased that he showed his door with Lockly Secure Lux Smart Lock. This is Lockly's top of the l...